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  1. We should make use of his vast ex­pe­ri­ence as a pro­gram­mer.
  2. We made use of the new equip­ment as much as we could.
  3. We should make good use of the avail­a­ble equip­ment. • We should make bet­ter use of the avail­a­ble equip­ment. • We should make great­er use of the avail­a­ble equip­ment.
  4. I applied for the job be­cause I want­ed to put my knowledge and ex­pe­ri­ence to good use.
  5. What’s the use of wait­ing for him? He won’t come.
  6. What’s the use of deny­ing it?
  7. It’s no use! He won’t come.
  8. It’s no use wait­ing for him – he won’t come.
  9. It’s no use complain­ing.
  10. You can throw this bag away – it’s no use to any­one.
  11. Take it – it’s no use to me any­more. • Also (more formal): Take it – it’s of no use to me any­more.
  12. Я могу быть чем-ни­будь по­ле­зен?Can I be of any use?
  13. Rather formal: Can this old car be of use to us? • Everyday speech: Can this old car be any use to us?
  14. The word “computer” came into use long ago.
  15. How many houses have been built and brought into use over the past five years?
  16. Such computers went out of use long ago.
  17. Such computers are out of use now­a­days.
  18. I have no use for these old shoes anymore.
  19. I’ve no use for peo­ple who don’t like ani­mals.
  20. I know you don’t like my new as­sis­tant, but he has his uses.
  21. Being flippant can have its uses.

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