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  1. We finally spotted his fa­mil­iar face in the crowd.
  2. We spotted a bad mis­take in her work.
  3. I spotted a strang­er in the bushes.
  4. I spotted a stranger hid­ing in the bushes.
  5. I think even experts can hard­ly spot the dif­fer­ence be­tween the orig­i­nal paint­ing and this fake.
  6. Rather informal: No one actually spot­ted that the paint­ing was a fake. • Neutral: No one actually no­ticed that the paint­ing was a fake.
  7. Spotting the early symp­toms of a dis­ease is what our clin­ic tries to do.
  8. Such mistakes are easy to spot if you know where to look for them.
  9. Such mistakes are dif­fi­cult to spot.
  10. She’s our HR manager be­cause she’s a tal­ent spot­ter.
  11. Plane spotting is a very in­ter­est­ing hob­by. I real­ly like it. Yes, I’m a plane spot­ter too. • Also: Aircraft spotting is a very in­ter­est­ing hob­by. I real­ly like it. Yes, I’m a plane spot­ter too.
  12. Rather informal: The flight attendant spot­ted that I could­n’t open the shelf and help­ed me. • Neutral: The flight attendant no­ticed that I could­n’t open the shelf and help­ed me.
  13. BrE (“trousers”): My shirt and trousers are spot­ted with paint. • AmE (“pants”): My shirt and pants are spot­ted with paint.


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