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  1. We scrambled up the cliff.
  2. We scrambled down the tree.
  3. We scrambled over the wall.
  4. I’m going to have scram­bled eggs for break­fast.
  5. He scrambled to his feet.
  6. They scrambled out of my way.
  7. They were scram­bling to show us that they knew how to act in such a sit­u­a­tion.
  8. Thousands of people were scram­bling for tickets.
  9. Hundreds of local com­pa­nies are scram­bling for this con­tract.
  10. They scrambled as soon as the order was giv­en.
  11. Two helicopters were scram­bled for the res­cue op­era­tion.
  12. Alcohol scrambled my brain and I couldn’t figure out any­thing. • Alcohol scrambled my brains and I couldn’t figure out any­thing.
  13. Our phone conver­sa­tions were al­ways scram­bled so that the enemy could un­der­stand noth­ing.
  14. They used a scram­bler when they spoke on the phone.

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