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  1. Don’t scare me!
  2. His depressed look scared me.
  3. His depressed look scared the life out of me. • His depressed look scared the liv­ing day­lights out of me. • His depressed look scared the hell out of me.
  4. His depressed look scared me to death.
  5. It scares me to think I can fail the exam.
  6. I don’t scare eas­i­ly. • I don’t get scared eas­i­ly.
  7. Our high prices can scare off many of our po­ten­tial cus­tom­ers. I think we should low­er them.
  8. Don’t scare the birds away. • Don’t scare the birds off.
  9. He tried to scare me into tell­ing him eve­ry­thing I knew, but I did­n’t give in.
  10. BrE (“film”): This scary film gives me the creeps. • AmE (“movie”): This scary movie gives me the creeps.

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