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  1. I’ve forgotten his phone num­ber. Can you re­mind me?
  2. When we saw them again, they re­mind­ed us of our first meet­ing.
  3. “Don’t forget to call him.” “Re­mind me about it to­mor­row.”
  4. She reminds me of my gran­ny.
  5. This song reminds me of my child­hood.
  6. Remind me to buy some min­eral wa­ter.
  7. He reminded me that we were late.
  8. He reminded me where we’d lost the keys.
  9. Oh, that reminds me, we need to buy some bread.
  10. “You’ll be question­ed by the po­lice to­mor­row.” “Don’t re­mind me!
  11. Let me remind you that it’s your fault.
  12. Passengers are reminded that smok­ing is strict­ly for­bid­den on the plane.
  13. I was reminded how easi­ly I could lose my job.

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