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  1. I regret it now.
  2. Don’t do anything you might re­gret.
  3. Don’t tell her about me or you’ll re­gret it!
  4. I regret selling my car.
  5. I regret (that) I had to sell my car.
  6. I regretted say­ing that. • I regretted hav­ing said that.
  7. I deeply regret what I said.
  8. I deeply regret how I said that. I should­n’t have been so tact­less.
  9. If you don’t go, you’ll live to re­gret it.
  10. Formal: We regret to inform you that your ap­pli­ca­tion has been re­ject­ed.
  11. It is with great re­gret that we have to re­ject your ap­pli­ca­tion.
  12. The President expressed his re­gret at the fail­ure of the ne­go­ti­a­tions.
  13. I have no regrets about say­ing that.
  14. Much to my regret, I don’t know him per­son­ally.
  15. My biggest regret is that I did­n’t tell him the truth then.
  16. BrE & AmE (“apologize”): My only regret is that I did­n’t apolo­gize to him. • Also, only BrE (“apolo­gise”): My only regret is that I did­n’t apolo­gise to him.

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