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  1. I did my best to pre­vent the ac­ci­dent.
  2. War must be pre­vented at any cost.
  3. BrE & AmE: Nothing can prevent us from ac­com­plish­ing this im­por­tant task. • Also, only BrE: Nothing can pre­vent us ac­com­plish­ing this im­por­tant task.
  4. BrE & AmE: We must prevent them from tak­ing part in the pro­tests. • Also, only BrE: We must prevent them tak­ing part in the pro­tests.
  5. BrE & AmE: What can we do to pre­vent the dis­ease from spread­ing? • Also, only BrE: What can we do to pre­vent the dis­ease spread­ing?
  6. BrE & AmE: I didn’t want to pre­vent the con­tract from be­ing sign­ed, though it was ra­ther dis­ad­van­ta­geous to our com­pa­ny. • Also, only BrE: I didn’t want to pre­vent the con­tract be­ing sign­ed, though it was ra­ther dis­ad­van­ta­geous to our com­pa­ny.
  7. BrE & AmE: If you want to pre­vent the tree from be­ing dam­aged, you should pro­tect it some­how. • Also, only BrE: If you want to pre­vent the tree be­ing dam­aged, you should pro­tect it some­how.
  8. BrE & AmE: If you want to pre­vent your kids from smok­ing, you should ex­plain to them that it’s harm­ful. • Also, only BrE: If you want to pre­vent your kids smok­ing, you should ex­plain to them that it’s harm­ful.


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