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  1. You shouldn’t pre­tend all the time. Just be your­self!
  2. We were wrong. It would be silly of us to pre­tend oth­er­wise.
  3. I pretended (that) we were fine, though the sit­u­a­tion was pret­ty crit­i­cal.
  4. I pretended to my friends that we were fine, though the sit­u­a­tion was pret­ty crit­i­cal.
  5. I pretended to know that gram­mar rule. • I pre­tend­ed (that) I knew that gram­mar rule.
  6. They pretended not to know me when we met again. • They pretended (that) they didn’t know me when we met again.
  7. We didn’t trust them, though we pre­tended to.
  8. Don’t pretend deaf­ness when I ask you a ques­tion!
  9. When we were play­ing, my lit­tle broth­er said: “Let’s pre­tend we’re cow­boys.”
  10. I don’t pretend to a great role in solv­ing the prob­lem, but my con­tri­bu­tion was sig­nif­i­cant.
  11. I don’t pretend (that) I can sing well, but I know a lot of songs and I can also play the gui­tar.
  12. His new book doesn’t pre­tend to be a great suc­cess, and yet it’s pret­ty in­ter­est­ing.

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