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  1. The police (as an official or­gan­i­za­tion), the mil­i­tary po­lice (as an of­fi­cial or­gan­i­za­tion), armed po­lice, mount­ed po­lice, uni­formed po­lice, plain-clothes po­lice, riot po­lice, po­lice in riot gear.
  2. A police officer, a police­man, a po­lice­wom­an, a cop, a po­lice in­ves­ti­ga­tion, a po­lice raid, a po­lice cor­don, a po­lice es­cort, a po­lice sta­tion, a po­lice car, a po­lice dog.
  3. The police are here.
  4. The police are inves­ti­gat­ing the case.
  5. The police know every­thing.
  6. The police have al­ready ar­rived.
  7. He’s going to join the po­lice af­ter the army.
  8. If you don’t stop, I’ll call the po­lice.
  9. The police are ques­tion­ing the sus­pects. • Also (долго, упорно и дос­та­точ­но жёст­ко): The police are in­ter­ro­gat­ing the sus­pects.
  10. BrE & AmE: The police have charged him with mur­der. • AmE (law): The police have charged him with homi­cide.
  11. The police have arrested the whole gang.
  12. Armed police surrounded the house.
  13. Uniformed police and plain-clothes of­fic­ers were try­ing to scat­ter the crowd.
  14. Two men and a woman are be­ing held in po­lice cus­to­dy in con­nec­tion with the mur­der.

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