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  1. We finally managed to per­suade him.
  2. I persuaded her to come with us.
  3. We failed to persuade her to come with us.
  4. We’re trying to per­suade them not to buy this car.
  5. I was persuaded into buy­ing an ex­pen­sive bag I didn’t ac­tu­ally need. • Also, simpler: I was talk­ed into buy­ing an ex­pen­sive bag I didn’t ac­tu­ally need. • Also, using the infini­tive: I was per­suad­ed to buy an ex­pen­sive bag I didn’t ac­tu­ally need.
  6. Don’t let yourself be per­suaded into buy­ing this ex­pen­sive dress. It’s not worth it! • Also, simp­ler: Don’t let your­self be talked into buy­ing this ex­pen­sive dress. It’s not worth it! • Also, using the infini­tive: Don’t let your­self be per­suad­ed to buy this ex­pen­sive dress. It’s not worth it!
  7. My friends persuaded me out of go­ing there. • Also, simp­ler: My friends talk­ed me out of go­ing there. • Also, for­mal: My friends dis­suad­ed me from go­ing there. • Also, using the infini­tive: My friends persuaded me not to go there.
  8. Despite our efforts to per­suade him, he was ada­mant.
  9. They’ll agree to our plan with a bit of per­suad­ing.
  10. I persuaded him that no one could do it bet­ter. • Also, more com­mon:con­vinc­ed him that no one could do it bet­ter.
  11. Rather formal: We must persuade the po­lice of our in­no­cence. • Com­mon Eng­lish: We must con­vince the po­lice of our in­no­cence.


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