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  1. There’s only one cup here. Where are the oth­ers?
  2. Only three of us knew the rule and passed the exam.
  3. You only have to look at them to see how dis­ap­point­ed they are.
  4. I went there after all, but only be­cause I had to.
  5. We’ll do it only if you tell us eve­ry­thing.
  6. In speech: It only took me a few sec­onds. • In writing: It took me only a few sec­onds.
  7. He’s a kid. He’s only ten.
  8. In speech: We only saw them `yes­ter­day. • In writing: We saw them only yes­ter­day.
  9. In speech: I only know `Pe­ter here. • In writing: I know only Pe­ter here.
  10. Only you can look at this car (and no one else).
  11. You can only `look at this car, but you can’t drive it be­cause we’ve lost the keys.
  12. In speech: You can only look at `this car. All the oth­ers have been sold. • In writing: You can look only at this car. All the oth­ers have been sold.
  13. The playground is for chil­dren only.
  14. He’s not only a driv­er but al­so a body­guard.

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