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Nevertheless / Nonetheless

  1. Rather formal: His car had a lot of de­fects, but ne­ver­the­less it was much bet­ter than mine. • His car had a lot of de­fects, but it was much bet­ter than mine ne­ver­the­less. • His car had a lot of de­fects, but it was ne­ver­the­less much bet­ter than mine. • Also (even more for­mal): His car had a lot of de­fects, but none­the­less it was much bet­ter than mine. • His car had a lot of de­fects, but it was much bet­ter than mine none­the­less. • His car had a lot of de­fects, but it was none­the­less much bet­ter than mine.
  2. Rather formal: I was upset. Ne­ver­the­less, I pre­tended noth­ing had hap­pened. • Also (even more for­mal): I was upset. None­the­less, I pre­tended noth­ing had hap­pened.
  3. Rather formal: I managed to buy a ticket. Ne­ver­the­less, I gave it to my friend. • Also (even more for­mal): I ma­naged to buy a ticket. None­the­less, I gave it to my friend.
  4. Rather formal: His speech was too long but, ne­ver­the­less, in­for­ma­tive and in­ter­est­ing. • Also (even more for­mal): His speech was too long but, none­the­less, in­for­ma­tive and in­ter­est­ing.
  5. Rather formal: His mistake may ne­ver­the­less be jus­ti­fied. • Also (even more for­mal): His mistake may none­the­less be jus­ti­fied.
  6. Rather formal: A decision must ne­ver­the­less be made im­me­di­ately. • Also (even more for­mal): A decision must none­the­less be made im­me­di­ately.
  7. Rather formal: Although we were pre­pared for the exam, it was ne­ver­the­less clear that we couldn’t pass it. • Also (even more for­mal): Although we were pre­pared for the exam, it was none­the­less clear that we couldn’t pass it.
  8. Rather formal: Although the situa­tion seems ex­tremely dif­fi­cult, we have ne­ver­the­less found a way out. • Also (even more for­mal): Although the situa­tion seems ex­tremely dif­fi­cult, we have none­the­less found a way out.


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