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Loudly, Aloud, etc.

  1. We all laughed loudly at his joke.
  2. They laughed too loud (spoken). • They laughed too loudly.
  3. We shouted as loud as we could (spoken). • We shouted as loudly as we could.
  4. They shouted loud enough to be heard by every­one (spoken). • They shouted loudly enough to be heard by every­one.
  5. Can you speak louder? (spoken) • Can you speak more loudly?
  6. We didn’t want to laugh loud­er be­cause the kids were still sleeping (spoken). • We didn’t want to laugh more loud­ly be­cause the kids were still sleeping.
  7. We’ll read this letter out loud. • Also (fairly formal): We’ll read this let­ter aloud.
  8. Don’t laugh out loud or else they’ll hear you. • Also (fairly formal): Don’t laugh aloud or else they’ll hear you.
  9. “What did you say?” “Oh, noth­ing im­port­ant. I was just think­ing aloud.” • “What did you say?” “Oh, noth­ing im­port­ant. I was just think­ing out loud.”
  10. Actions speak louder than words (say­ing).

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