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(determiner, pronoun)

  1. We had very lit­tle time left. • We had so lit­tle time left! • We had too lit­tle time left.
  2. Everyday English: We didn’t have much time left. • More formal English: We had little time left.
  3. Everyday English: There isn’t much hope that they can sur­vive. • More formal English: There is little hope that they can sur­vive.
  4. We need less wa­ter for our ex­peri­ment. We don’t need so much.
  5. What I look like is the least of my wor­ries.
  6. Add a little milk and stir it.
  7. As we had very lit­tle time left, we didn’t go shop­ping. • As we had a little time left, we went shop­ping.
  8. Немного, чуть-чуть: Could you give me a lit­tle wa­ter, please? • Немного, некоторое количе­ст­во: Could you give me some wa­ter, please?
  9. He speaks a little French.
  10. Could you give me a lit­tle more wa­ter, please? • Could you give me a lit­tle less wa­ter, please?
  11. Could you give me a lit­tle of the bread you bought yes­ter­day?
  12. He paid me as little as 50 dol­lars for this great paint­ing!
  13. Tell them as little as pos­si­ble! I don’t want them to know all our sec­rets.
  14. They knew little or noth­ing about our plans.
  15. Our students speak lit­tle or no Span­ish.
  16. We did what little we could to help them. • We did the lit­tle (that) we could to help them.
  17. Informal: They did precious lit­tle to help us.
  18. It’ll cost at least fifty dol­lars. • It’ll cost no less than fifty dol­lars.
  19. It’ll take us at least an hour. • It’ll take us no less than an hour.
  20. We’ve received no less than twen­ty let­ters so far. • We’ve received no few­er than twen­ty let­ters so far. • Also, as an alterna­tive: We’ve received at least twen­ty let­ters so far.

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