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  1. A list of names, a list of books, a list of stu­dents, a list of com­pa­nies, a list of cars, a list of films, a full list of equip­ment and ma­te­ri­als, etc.
  2. I’m going to make a list of things to do. • I’m going to make a to-do list.
  3. I want to make a list of all our doc­u­ments. • Also (formal): I want to draw up a list of all our doc­u­ments. • Also (formal, «скомпилиро­вать»): I want to com­pile a list of all our do­c­uments. • Also («написать»): I want to write a list of all our doc­u­ments.
  4. A shopping list, a guest list, a wait­ing list (BrE & AmE) / a wait list (AmE), a mail­ing list, a short­list, a word list, a wine list, a price list, a best­sel­ler list, a read­ing list, a cast list, etc.
  5. Don’t worry. Your names are on the list.
  6. BrE & AmE: How many people do we have on our mail­ing list? • Also (spoken BrE): How many people have we got on our mail­ing list?
  7. Is Peter Smith on our short­list for the prize?
  8. BrE: I can put you on a wait­ing list, be­cause there are no tables avail­a­ble right now. • AmE: I can put you on the wait­ing list, be­cause there are no tables avail­a­ble right now. • AmE: I can put you on the wait list, be­cause there are no tables avail­a­ble right now.
  9. We’ve prepared a list of 100 names so far. How many more peo­ple can we put on it?
  10. BrE & AmE: Do we have a full list of all lo­cal busi­ness­es? • Also (spoken BrE): Have we got a full list of all lo­cal busi­ness­es?
  11. Can you make a list of all the lo­cal busi­ness­es we have to visit to­morrow?
  12. A list of books. A list of the books I have to read this month. • A list of things to buy. A list of the things I want to buy for your birth­day party. • A list of stu­dents. A list of all the stu­dents who have failed their exams. • A full list of Rus­sian com­pa­nies. A full list of the Rus­sian com­pa­nies that have been in­vited so far to take part in the pro­ject.

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