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Less / Fewer

  1. Fewer cars on the road; few­er stu­dents in class; few­er boys and girls among my friends; few­er peo­ple in this town; few­er Rus­sian tour­ists in Ita­ly this year; few­er ta­bles and chairs in the room; few­er boxes in/at the ware­house; few­er stars in the sky; few­er planes at the air­port; few­er buses in the city centre (BrE) / center (AmE).
  2. Less tea in the cup; less wa­ter in the bot­tle; less food in the fridge; less mon­ey in the pock­et; less time left; less smoke af­ter the fire; less and less clean air in cit­ies be­cause of cars; less pa­tience; less im­port­ance; less in­ter­est; less traf­fic.
  3. To walk less; to smoke much less than be­fore; to shout less at your stu­dents in class; to wor­ry less about such pet­ty things; to sleep less and less be­cause of the forth­com­ing exams.
  4. You should smoke few­er ciga­rettes and eat less salt or else you’ll dam­age your health.
  5. There are fewer cars and there­fore less noise in our town now.
  6. Spoken BrE and spoken AmE (“have got”): I’ve got less mon­ey and few­er friends now than I had a year ago. I won­der why. • AmE and more formal BrE (“have”): I have less mon­ey and few­er friends now than I had a year ago. I won­der why.
  7. You should spend less time and mon­ey on these com­put­er games.
  8. It was less of a risk than we’d ex­pected.
  9. I’ll be back in less than ten minutes. Wait for me here!
  10. BrE (“cinema”): We’re more or less free now, so I think we can go to the cin­e­ma. • AmE (“movies”): We’re more or less free now, so I think we can go to the mov­ies.
  11. It costs much less to buy things on the in­ter­net.
  12. BrE (“metres”): If the distance is less than 500 metres, I usu­al­ly walk. • AmE (“meters”): If the distance is less than 500 meters, I usu­al­ly walk.
  13. The more I think about it, the less I’m sure I was right.

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