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  1. At least, he told the truth.
  2. It’ll cost at least two hun­dred dol­lars.
  3. It’ll cost two hun­dred dol­lars, at the very least.
  4. It sounds insult­ing or, at the very least, dis­re­spect­ful.
  5. As I had the least ex­peri­ence, no one was in­ter­est­ed in my opin­ion.
  6. I haven’t the least idea what they’re talk­ing about. • Synonym: I haven’t the faint­est idea what they’re talk­ing about. • Synonym: I haven’t the slight­est idea what they’re talk­ing about. • Synonym: I haven’t a clue what they’re talk­ing about.
  7. I’m not in the least tired.
  8. I’m not the least bit tired. • Synonym: I’m not the slightest bit tired.
  9. “Do you mind if I use your com­puter?” “No, not in the least.”
  10. We were surprised, to say the least.
  11. “Thank you so much!” “You’re wel­come. It’s the least I can do.”
  12. Last but not least, I’d like to thank our friends for what they’re do­ing for us.
  13. A job turned up when we least ex­pect­ed it.
  14. Formal: We were upset, not least be­cause we had bro­ken the law.
  15. We decided to discuss the least im­por­tant is­sues at the end of the meet­ing.
  16. I never lie, least of all to you.

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