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  1. To issue a statement, a warn­ing, an apol­o­gy, a re­port, an or­der, etc.
  2. To issue passports, per­mits, vi­sas, cer­tif­i­cates, li­cenc­es (BrE) / li­cens­es (AmE), tick­ets, etc.
  3. To issue stamps, coins, shares, bonds, etc.
  4. They issued a state­ment deny­ing all the ac­cu­sa­tions made against them.
  5. Have you seen the warn­ing is­sued by (the) lo­cal po­lice?
  6. When exactly was the pass­port is­sued? I’m afraid it’ll ex­pire soon.
  7. Visas will be is­sued to our em­ploy­ees next week.
  8. We’re working under a build­ing per­mit is­sued a month ago.
  9. Blankets and warm clothes were is­sued to the evac­u­ees.
  10. They issued a war­rant for his ar­rest.
  11. The firefighters were is­sued with gas masks.
  12. The experts issued a re­port con­firm­ing their find­ings.
  13. How many shares were is­sued last time? • How many shares have been is­sued this time?
  14. Where can I get the new coins is­sued last month?

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