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  1. A big issue, a burn­ing is­sue, a key is­sue, an im­port­ant is­sue, a sen­si­tive is­sue, a con­tro­ver­sial is­sue, etc.
  2. Political, social, eco­nom­ic, en­vi­ron­men­tal, etc. is­sues.
  3. To discuss the issue of un­em­ploy­ment • To deal with the is­sue of crime • To raise the is­sue of work­ing con­di­tions at the fac­to­ry • To set­tle the is­sue of over­time • To re­solve the is­sue of traf­fic noise • To ad­dress the is­sue of air pol­lu­tion • To avoid the is­sue of global warm­ing • To evade the is­sue of cli­mate change • To deal with is­sues of ra­cial dis­crim­i­na­tion.
  4. A number of issues • A range of issues • A series of issues
  5. It’s a very im­port­ant is­sue. Let’s dis­cuss it to­mor­row.
  6. This journalist always writes about po­lit­i­cal and so­cial is­sues.
  7. We’ll raise the is­sue of poor quali­ty at the next meet­ing.
  8. We should focus on more im­por­tant is­sues.
  9. It’s a pity (that) we’re di­vid­ed on this is­sue.
  10. Money is not an is­sue. We’ll find it.
  11. Don’t make an is­sue of it!
  12. I must take is­sue with you over your re­marks on the re­port.
  13. I still have some is­sues with my col­leagues.
  14. Their ability to cope with the task is not at is­sue. It’s the time we’re wor­ried about.
  15. What is at issue is wheth­er they can solve all their prob­lems.
  16. At issue are the moral prin­ci­ples that are be­ing com­pro­mised here.
  17. How many issues of this mag­a­zine have you read?
  18. Have you seen the lat­est is­sue of this mag­a­zine yet? • Have you seen the cur­rent is­sue of this mag­a­zine yet? • Have you seen the Feb­ru­ary is­sue of this mag­a­zine yet?
  19. The latest issue of stamps • A spe­cial is­sue of coins • A new is­sue of bonds • The next share issue.
  20. I managed to buy the new stamps on the date of is­sue.
  21. The issue of pass­ports • The is­sue of per­mits • The is­sue of passes to the staff.

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