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  1. An important decision, an im­por­tant event, an im­por­tant prob­lem, an im­por­tant is­sue, a very im­por­tant fac­tor, a very im­por­tant cus­tom­er, an ex­treme­ly im­por­tant meet­ing.
  2. Money has never played an im­por­tant role in my life.
  3. That situation taught us an im­por­tant les­son. We’ll re­mem­ber it for­ev­er.
  4. Talking to people is an im­por­tant part of his new job.
  5. This situation is more im­por­tant than you think it is. It’s ac­tu­al­ly cru­cial to our fu­ture.
  6. Knowing foreign lan­guages is one of the most im­por­tant things in my line of busi­ness.
  7. “What did you say?” “Oh, noth­ing im­por­tant.”
  8. It’s important to know this gram­mar rule.
  9. It’s very im­por­tant to him.
  10. It’s very im­por­tant for him to go there right now.
  11. It’s very im­por­tant that he go there right now. • Also, BrE: It’s very im­por­tant that he should go there right now.
  12. The important thing is to pass the exam to­mor­row.
  13. Nothing can be more im­por­tant to us than our fami­lies and kids.

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