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Hide / Conceal

  1. We hid the cat in a box.
  2. Please hide this book from my sis­ter!
  3. We always keep our docu­ments hid­den in a safe place.
  4. Our kids usually hide from us un­der the table, but yes­ter­day they hid be­hind the ward­robe.
  5. Criminals always hide from the po­lice in safe places.
  6. The criminals hid from the po­lice in an emp­ty house some­where in the sub­urbs.
  7. Quick, let’s hide some­where! They’re com­ing!
  8. Everyday English: Why did you hide the truth about your past? • Formal English: Why did you con­ceal the truth about your past?
  9. Everyday English: They hid the truth from me. • Formal English: They concealed the truth from me.
  10. Everyday English: If you have noth­ing to hide, then tell us eve­ry­thing. • Formal English: If you have noth­ing to con­ceal, then tell us eve­ry­thing.
  11. Everyday English: I could hardly hide my as­ton­ish­ment. • Formal English: I could hardly con­ceal my as­ton­ish­ment.
  12. Everyday English: I didn’t want to hide the fact that she was my sis­ter. • Formal English: I didn’t want to con­ceal the fact that she was my sis­ter.

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