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Have / Have got
(useful phrases)
Part 2

  1. We had the audience laugh­ing and clap­ping for five minutes.
  2. They had him doing all the hard work for them.
  3. Chiefly AmE: I’ll have them call you to­mor­row.
  4. Legend has it that no one could de­feat them.
  5. BrE (rumour): Rumour has it that we’ll have a new boss soon. • AmE (rumor): Rumor has it that we’ll have a new boss soon.
  6. Word has it they’re leav­ing soon. Do you know any­thing about it?
  7. Now I had the car all to my­self.
  8. Can I have the bill, please?
  9. Could I have my pen back?
  10. I’ll have a cup of coffee, please.
  11. They always want me to do all the hard work for them, but I won’t have it any long­er!
  12. I won’t have people laughing at us all the time.
  13. I can’t have people laughing at us all the time.
  14. We weren’t surprised when she left him – he’d had it com­ing for a long time. • We weren’t surprised when she left him – he’d had it com­ing to him for a long time.
  15. I’ve got it! We can do it in a dif­fer­ent way.
  16. You have me there. I had­n’t thought of that. • You’ve got me there. I had­n’t thought of that.
  17. I’ll have you know we’re two hours late.
  18. I didn’t know why he had it in for me.
  19. I tried to persuade her, but she wasn’t hav­ing any. • I tried to persuade her, but she wasn’t hav­ing any of it. • I tried to persuade her, but she wasn’t hav­ing any of that.
  20. You paid 50 dollars for this? You’ve been had!
  21. Stick your head out and you’ve had it.
  22. Say another word and you’ve had it.
  23. Chiefly BrE: The car’s had it.
  24. I’ve had it! I’m go­ing to bed.
  25. He’s drunk again. I’ve had it with him! • He’s drunk again. I’ve had it up to here with him!

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