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Have / Have got
(useful phrases)
Part 1

  1. You were great when you spoke! I did­n’t know you had it in you.
  2. I didn’t know he had it in him to dance so well.
  3. Spoken BrE: Have you got any mon­ey on you? • AmE & BrE: Do you have any mon­ey on you?
  4. I didn’t have my camera with me.
  5. I just want to have a look around be­fore we leave.
  6. What time do you usu­al­ly have break­fast?
  7. They went there and had a great time.
  8. Sometimes we had peo­ple call­ing us and ask­ing the same ques­tions over and over again, but we were pa­tient.
  9. I’ve got a cold.
  10. Spoken English: You’ve got ten minutes to an­swer all the ques­tions. • Also, AmE & more formal BrE: You have ten minutes to an­swer all the ques­tions.
  11. Spoken BrE: Have you got time to go there? • AmE & BrE: Do you have time to go there?
  12. We had no help from them. • We didn’t have any help from them.
  13. Where do you usu­al­ly have your hair cut?
  14. BrE: They had all their jew­el­lery sto­len. • AmE: They had all their jew­el­ry sto­len.
  15. He had his nose bro­ken in a fight.
  16. We’ll have the article ready in two hours.
  17. She had her eyes half-closed.
  18. Spoken English: I’ve got the stereo play­ing. • Also, AmE & more formal BrE:have the stereo play­ing.
  19. Spoken English: I’ve got two chil­dren. • Also, AmE & more formal BrE:have two chil­dren.
  20. The Chief Executive Of­ficer has re­spon­si­bil­ity for the man­age­ment of the whole com­pa­ny. • The Chief Executive Of­ficer is re­spon­si­ble for the man­age­ment of the whole com­pa­ny.
  21. Spoken English: I’ve got a lot of work to do. • Also, AmE & more formal BrE:
    have a lot of work to do.
  22. Luckily, we had a friend with us who did ka­ra­te and could de­fend us.
  23. I had him by the throat.
  24. I’m having a party on Sat­ur­day even­ing. There’ll be a lot of peo­ple. You’re wel­come too.
  25. Chiefly BrE: I should talk to him once again and have done with it.
  26. Chiefly BrE: Let’s have done with it once and for all.

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