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Have / Have got
(phrasal verbs)

  1. I had a suit on.
  2. I had nothing on.
  3. I usually have my TV on all day.
  4. BrE: Don’t believe them. They’re just hav­ing you on! • AmE: Don’t believe them. They’re just putting you on!
  5. BrE: You’re having me on again! • AmE: You’re putting me on again!
  6. BrE: I can hardly help you to­day – I’ve got too much on al­ready.
  7. What do the police have on them?
  8. Don’t worry! They’ve got noth­ing on you.
  9. Unfortunately, we’ve got noth­ing on their team.
  10. His songs have got noth­ing on clas­si­cal mu­sic.
  11. I’ve got nothing against him, and yet I think we should find some­one else for this job.
  12. Spoken BrE: What have you got against Peter? He’s al­ways been good to you. • AmE & BrE: What do you have against Peter? He’s al­ways been good to you.
  13. BrE: Have we got enough salt in?
  14. BrE: We’re having the build­ers in to­mor­row to re­pair the roof.
  15. He went to the den­tist and had a tooth out.
  16. She had to have her ap­pen­dix out.
  17. Let’s have the whole thing out right now.
  18. I want to have it out with him once and for all.
  19. We’re having our friends over to­night.
  20. BrE, informal: He was had up for shop­lift­ing.

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