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Habit, Used to, Accustomed to

  1. Getting up early is a good hab­it.
  2. Smoking is a bad hab­it.
  3. When you start smoking, it soon be­comes a hab­it.
  4. I do it out of habit = I do it from hab­it = I do it by hab­it.
  5. The/a habit of doing some­thing.
  6. BrE: I’ve got into the hab­it of danc­ing when I lis­ten to mu­sic at home. • AmE: I’ve gotten into the hab­it of danc­ing when I lis­ten to mu­sic at home.
  7. She can’t get out of the hab­it of talk­ing on the phone for hours.
  8. Actually, I’m not in the hab­it of read­ing such books, but I can make an ex­cep­tion this time.
  9. Your disgusting hab­it of bit­ing your nails gets on my nerves.
  10. You smoke too much. Try to break the hab­it. • You smoke too much. Try to kick the hab­it.
  11. You can work over­time to­day, but don’t make a hab­it of it.
  12. My keys have a hab­it of get­ting lost.
  13. I could well go to bed ear­ly, but old hab­its die hard and I kept on watch­ing TV.
  14. I’m used to getting up late. • Also (rather formal): I’m accustomed to getting up late.
  15. You’ll soon get used to get­ting up ear­ly. • Also (rather formal): You’ll soon get ac­cus­tomed to get­ting up ear­ly. • Also (even more formal): You’ll soon be­come ac­cus­tomed to get­ting up ear­ly.
  16. I’m not in the habit of read­ing such books. • I’m not used / ac­cus­tomed to read­ing such books.

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