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  1. We had very few books on Greek my­thol­ogy.
  2. Everyday English: We didn’t have many books on Greek my­thol­ogy. • More for­mal Eng­lish: We had few books on Greek my­thol­ogy.
  3. We had fewer books on Greek my­thol­ogy just a month ago.
  4. Could you give me a few books on Greek my­thol­ogy, please?
  5. Could you give me a few more books on Greek my­thol­ogy, please?
  6. Could you give me a few of the books on Greek my­thol­ogy (that) you bought yes­ter­day?
  7. As we had very few books left, we had to or­der new ones. • As we had a few books left, we didn’t have to or­der any new ones.
  8. Совсем немного, например два-три че­ло­ве­ка: There were a few peo­ple wait­ing for us there. • Немного, но и немало: There were sev­eral peo­ple wait­ing for us there.
  9. There were some peo­ple wait­ing for us there.
  10. I called him a few days lat­er. • I’ll be back in a few days. • I’ll stay there for a few days.
  11. They’ve been busy for the last few days. • They’ll be busy in the next few days.
  12. I received as few as 5 let­ters!
  13. We can suggest a lot of op­tions. Here are just a few.
  14. You must call him eve­ry few days.
  15. Thanks to you, quite a few peo­ple know the truth now.
  16. Which of the students made the few­est mis­takes in their home­work?
  17. Very few of our stu­dents can an­swer all the ques­tions cor­rect­ly.
  18. He was one of the few stu­dents who suc­cess­ful­ly passed the exam.
  19. We supply our prod­ucts to many coun­tries – In­dia, Egypt, Tur­key, to name but a few. • We supply our prod­ucts to many coun­tries – In­dia, Egypt, Tur­key, to men­tion but a few.
  20. Conspiracy theorists say that real power be­longs to the cho­sen few.
  21. Informal: He can’t speak be­cause he’s had a few. • Informal: He can’t speak be­cause he’s had a few too many.
  22. Informal: Precious few peo­ple can af­ford such yachts.
  23. We’ve received no few­er than twen­ty let­ters so far • Also (less cor­rect, but more com­mon): We’ve received no less than twen­ty let­ters so far • Also (as an al­terna­tive): We’ve received at least twen­ty let­ters so far.

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