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  1. BrE: It’s a rubbish dump. • AmE: It’s a garbage dump.
  2. The police have found a lot of tox­ic waste at the dump and are in­ves­ti­gat­ing the case.
  3. BrE: They took all their rub­bish to the dump. • AmE: They took all their gar­bage to the dump.
  4. We were all against a tox­ic waste dump. • We were all against a dump for toxic waste.
  5. How can they live in this dump?
  6. I was angry because a stray dog had tak­en a dump right on my door­step.
  7. Someone has dumped this tox­ic waste here.
  8. She just dumped all his pho­tos.
  9. The gangsters dumped his body into the river.
  10. Dump your stuff over there and get down to work.
  11. Don’t dump your problems on me!
  12. He dumped his girlfriend.
  13. They dumped all their goods in an­oth­er coun­try.
  14. AmE: They dumped on their op­po­nents from the oth­er par­ty. • AmE: They dumped on their op­po­nents from an­oth­er par­ty.
  15. AmE: Don’t dump on them! It’s not their fault.
  16. BrE: We used dumper trucks to make the road. • AmE: We used dump trucks to make the road.

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