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  1. The investigators have to de­ter­mine the cause of the ac­ci­dent.
  2. The investigators had to de­ter­mine what had hap­pened.
  3. Our experts have de­ter­mined that there is no salt in the wa­ter. There­fore, we can start our ex­per­i­ment.
  4. BrE (“behaviour”): Scientists want to find out what ex­act­ly de­ter­mines our be­hav­iour in such sit­u­a­tions. • AmE (“behavior”): Scientists want to find out what ex­act­ly de­ter­mines our be­hav­ior in such sit­u­a­tions.
  5. Our knowledge of for­eign lan­guages is of­ten a de­ter­min­ing fac­tor in get­ting a good job.
  6. We have to de­ter­mine a date for the meet­ing. Can we do it now?
  7. The court determined that …
  8. The lead investigator has de­ter­mined to change the course of the in­ves­ti­ga­tion.
  9. We’re determined to over­come all hard­ships and chal­leng­es.

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