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Despite / In spite of

  1. Despite all our ef­forts, we didn’t have any posi­tive re­sults. • In spite of all our ef­forts, we didn’t have any posi­tive re­sults.
  2. Despite the bad weather, no one was go­ing to leave so soon. • In spite of the bad weather, no one was go­ing to leave so soon.
  3. Despite being busy, he al­ways finds a cou­ple of min­utes to help us.
  4. He coped with the task de­spite los­ing hope many times.
  5. He was found and ar­rested de­spite the fact that none of his friends knew where he was. • He was found and ar­rested in spite of the fact that none of his friends knew where he was.
  6. I fell asleep, de­spite my­self. • I fell asleep, in spite of my­self.
  7. Despite everything, he tried to keep calm. • In spite of everything, he tried to keep calm.


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