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  1. The deadline for appli­ca­tions is next Fri­day. • Also: The dead­line for sub­mit­ting ap­pli­ca­tions is next Fri­day.
  2. Пропустили: We missed the dead­line for ap­pli­ca­tions. • Не уло­жи­лись: We didn’t meet the dead­line for ap­pli­ca­tions. • На­ру­ши­ли (ra­ther for­mal): We fail­ed to meet the dead­line for ap­pli­ca­tions.
  3. Им следует устано­вить край­ний срок по­да­чи за­яв­ле­ний.
  4. We have to extend the dead­line by two months.
  5. We have to extend the dead­line un­til De­cem­ber. • We have to extend the dead­line to De­cem­ber.
  6. What shall we do to meet the dead­line?
  7. BrE: I hate working to a dead­line! • AmE: I hate work­ing on dead­line! • Also, AmE: I hate work­ing un­der dead­line!
  8. We were all nerv­ous be­cause the dead­line was ap­proach­ing.
  9. We tried to submit an ap­pli­ca­tion, but the dead­line had al­ready pass­ed.
  10. The work has to be fin­ish­ed by the dead­line spe­ci­fied in the con­tract. Other­wise, we’ll have to pay a huge pen­al­ty.
  11. The work was success­ful­ly com­plet­ed be­fore the De­cem­ber dead­line.
  12. We shouldn’t set such a strict dead­line.
  13. The tight deadlines I have to meet as a cou­rier are un­bear­able at my age. I should find an­oth­er job.


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