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  1. BrE (usually): I daren’t tell him the truth. • AmE (usually): I dare not tell him the truth.
  2. I didn’t dare to tell him the truth. • Also (spoken): I didn’t dare tell him the truth.
  3. I won’t dare to tell him the truth. • Also (spoken): I won’t dare tell him the truth.
  4. I wouldn’t dare to tell him the truth. • Also (spoken): I wouldn’t dare tell him the truth.
  5. How dare you! || How dare she! || How dare they!
  6. How dare you talk to me like that!
  7. You told them about me? How did you dare?
  8. “I’ll tell him every­thing.” “Don’t you dare!
  9. Don’t you dare talk to me like that!
  10. BrE: I dare say he’s right. • BrE: I daresay he’s right. • I suppose he’s right.
  11. His manners were, dare I say it, pret­ty bad.
  12. The boys dared me to climb over the fence.
  13. Then do it! I dare you.
  14. BrE: I jumped into the cold water for a dare. • AmE: I jumped into the cold water on a dare.

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