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  1. Who’s going to pay the cost of their con­stant trips to Lon­don?
  2. The cost of the trip, the cost of ho­tel ac­com­mo­da­tion (BrE) / ac­com­mo­da­tions (AmE), the cost of this equip­ment, the cost of liv­ing, the cost of go­ing to col­lege, the cost of mak­ing (manu­fac­tur­ing, pro­duc­ing) this car, the cost of do­ing busi­ness, the cost of in­stall­ing new equip­ment in our of­fice / at our of­fice, the cost of go­ing to Mars and other plan­ets, etc.
  3. Due to higher taxes, the cost of liv­ing has in­creased.
  4. The cost of making this car is too high. Can we de­vel­op an­oth­er model?
  5. The high cost of elec­tric­ity and fuel can cause a lot of prob­lems to both in­di­vid­uals and busi­ness­es.
  6. BrE: We’re going to build a new house at a cost of three mil­lion rou­bles. • AmE: We’re going to build a new house at a cost of three mil­lion ru­bles.
  7. Сократить: Instead of raising the prices, we should re­duce our costs. • Снизить: Instead of raising the prices, we should lower our costs. • Урезать: Instead of raising the prices, we should cut our costs.
  8. We need this money to cover our run­ning costs. • We need this money to cover our op­er­at­ing costs.
  9. I’m not going to sell these goods at cost. I want to earn some mon­ey.
  10. He saved his friends at the cost of his own life.
  11. What’s the environ­men­tal cost of pro­duc­ing and using so much plas­tic? It’s huge! Why not just use glass bot­tles, wrap­ping pa­per and cloth shop­ping bags?
  12. We must prevent the dis­as­ter at any cost. • We must prevent the dis­as­ter at all costs.
  13. We must prevent the dis­as­ter, what­ever the cost.
  14. It costs a lot || It cost a lot || It’ll cost a lot.
  15. It doesn’t cost much || It didn’t cost much || It won’t cost much.
  16. How much did it cost? • How much was it?
  17. It’ll cost you 5 dol­lars.
  18. You can buy a cool TV, but it’ll cost you.
  19. That quarrel cost me many sleep­less nights.

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