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Carry out

  1. To carry out a promise, a plan, an order, a task, inst­ruc­tions, work, re­pairs, one’s duties, a threat, etc.
  2. To carry out an investigation, a check, a test, re­search, an ex­peri­ment, an assess­ment, a search, etc.
  3. We must carry out this task at any cost.
  4. The police are going to carry out an in­ves­ti­ga­tion into the murder. They’ll be in­ves­ti­ga­ting it day and night un­til they find the mur­derer.
  5. We’ll carry out a lot of checks and tests be­fore ap­pro­ving and ac­cep­ting the new mo­del.
  6. More research has to be car­ried out to de­ter­mi­ne the cau­ses of it.
  7. This laboratory car­ries out a lot of scien­ti­fic ex­peri­ments for our com­pa­ny.
  8. Right now we’re car­rying out an assess­ment of the si­tua­tion.
  9. If you don’t want to be fired, you must car­ry out all my in­st­ruc­tions and or­ders.

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