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Break down

  1. We can’t start today be­cause our car has bro­ken down.
  2. If this computer breaks down, we’ll have to buy a new one.
  3. His health broke down as a re­sult of con­stant sports in­ju­ries.
  4. She broke down and cried when she was told the truth.
  5. Unfortunately, their peace talks have bro­ken down. • Also (more common): Unfortunately, their peace talks have failed.
  6. The dictator broke down any re­sistance and op­po­si­tion in the coun­try.
  7. The firefighters had to break down the door to get into the house and save the kids.
  8. If we want to work to­geth­er, we must break down the bar­ri­ers that have al­ways di­vid­ed us.
  9. To understand the situation bet­ter, we need to break our costs down into more spe­cif­ic items, such as build­ings, land and equip­ment.
  10. The list of equipment and ma­te­ri­als can be bro­ken down into small­er parts so that our sup­pli­er can sup­ply them step by step. Such step-by-step sup­plies will be more ad­van­ta­geous to our com­pa­ny.

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