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  1. I don’t blame anyone. It’s my fault.
  2. Why are you blaming oth­ers for your mis­takes? • Also: Why are you blaming your mis­takes on oth­ers?
  3. We blamed him for the ac­ci­dent. • Also: We blamed the ac­ci­dent on him. • Also, as a noun: We put the blame for the ac­ci­dent on him.
  4. The failure of the talks was blamed on the re­bels.
  5. The accident isn’t my fault. Some­one else is to blame for it.
  6. I still blame myself for not tell­ing her the truth.
  7. Go there if you like, but don’t blame me if any­thing goes wrong.
  8. “She doesn’t want to work with them.” “I don’t blame her! It’s hard to work with such a cus­tomer.”
  9. If you fail your exam, you’ll only have your­self to blame.
  10. Why do I always get the blame for his mis­takes?
  11. Don’t try to put the blame on me!
  12. We didn’t want to take the blame for the fail­ure. Just be­cause it wasn’t our fault.

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