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  1. To avoid work, acci­dents, mis­takes / er­rors, de­lays, pun­ish­ment, cer­tain sub­jects, ques­tions, etc.
  2. To avoid meeting them, work­ing so much, talk­ing about it, men­tion­ing it every time, laugh­ing loud­ly, etc.
  3. Can we avoid it some­how?
  4. We started early to avoid traf­fic jams.
  5. We always avoid our boss be­cause of his con­stant fits of an­ger.
  6. War is to be avoided at all costs.
  7. We narrowly avoided a dis­as­ter.
  8. They’ve been avoiding me since then.
  9. Why is he avoiding my eyes? What’s the mat­ter?
  10. Luckily, we avoided meet­ing them yes­ter­day. • Fortunately, we avoided meet­ing them yes­ter­day.
  11. We should avoid men­tion­ing his poor health. Eve­ry time we do it, he gets nerv­ous.
  12. You should avoid drink­ing so much cof­fee on an emp­ty stom­ach.
  13. Why are you avoid­ing him like the plague?
  14. There was an SUV on the road and our bus swerved sharp­ly to avoid it. • There was an SUV on the road and our bus swerved sharp­ly to avoid a colli­sion with it.
  15. What shall we do to avoid the risk of get­ting stuck in a traf­fic jam?
  16. The crisis was quite avoid­able, but the gov­ern­ment did noth­ing to pre­vent it.
  17. The crisis was un­avoid­able, what­ever the gov­ern­ment did to pre­vent it. • The crisis was in­evit­able, what­ever the gov­ern­ment did to pre­vent it.

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