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  1. A big argument, a heated ar­gu­ment, a fu­ri­ous / fierce ar­gu­ment, a vio­lent ar­gu­ment, etc.
  2. We had an ar­gu­ment about mon­ey. • We had an argument over mon­ey.
  3. We had a heated ar­gu­ment about where to go next sum­mer.
  4. We got into an ar­gu­ment with our boss.
  5. I didn’t want to get in­volved in an ar­gu­ment with a po­lice of­ficer, so I just left.
  6. I just want to settle the ar­gu­ment be­tween you.
  7. There were a lot of ar­gu­ments about how to do the work.
  8. I’m going to win the ar­gu­ment, what­ever the cost. I don’t want to lose it.
  9. Our argument was that they could­n’t cope with the task.
  10. What are the arguments for and against mak­ing this de­ci­sion?
  11. BrE (favour): His arguments in favour of buy­ing a new car were very con­vinc­ing. • AmE (favor): His arguments in favor of buy­ing a new car were very con­vinc­ing.
  12. The well-known argument that mon­ey doesn’t grow on trees is lost on him.
  13. Our suggestion was ac­cepted with­out ar­gu­ment.
  14. If, for the sake of ar­gu­ment, no one meets us there, what shall we do then?

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