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  1. Can I use your phone?
  2. Do you mind if I use your phone?
  3. We built the house using local ma­te­rials.
  4. Using traditional meth­ods is often the best way to get re­sults.
  5. New methods make this de­vice easy to use.
  6. Have you ever used this car be­fore?
  7. I never use the bus – I al­ways go by car.
  8. They didn’t know how to stop vio­lence with­out using mil­i­tary force.
  9. They said they had never used ani­mals for their ex­per­i­ments, but no one be­lieved them.
  10. BrE (washing-up): What kind of deter­gent do you usu­ally use for do­ing the wash­ing-up? • BrE & AmE (dishes): What kind of deter­gent do you usu­ally use for do­ing the dishes?
  11. Police often use tear gas to dis­perse de­mon­stra­tors.
  12. We’ll have to use our gar­age as a ware­house for a while.
  13. This substance is used in many ex­per­i­ments.
  14. Can’t you see she’s just using you?
  15. This equipment uses a lot of fuel.
  16. Now I think we could all use a drink!
  17. “Why don’t you want to in­vite them?” “Oh, use your head!”
  18. We’ve used up all the fuel.
  19. This word is widely used in eve­ry­day speech.

Проверьте правильность про­из­но­ше­ния сле­ду­ю­щих слов [BrE || AmE]:

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