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  1. The use of chemicals can be very harm­ful.
  2. We all condemned the use of mili­tary force.
  3. The use of computers in schools is very im­por­tant in to­day’s world.
  4. This car is for use at work only.
  5. This software is designed for use in schools.
  6. The material is ready for use.
  7. The exercise is ready for use as a test.
  8. The car is for the use of the top man­ag­ers only.
  9. This software is de­signed for the use of both stu­dents and teach­ers.
  10. This car was made thir­ty-five years ago and is still in use.
  11. This house was built in the 19th cen­tu­ry and is still in use.
  12. Can you find a use for this old chair?
  13. What use is this old car?
  14. This machine has a wide range of uses.
  15. This substance has var­i­ous uses in med­i­cine.
  16. This water is for tech­nical uses. Don’t drink it!
  17. We should avoid sin­gle-use plas­tic bags that bad­ly dam­age the en­vi­ron­ment.

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