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Pursue / Pursuit

  1. The police were pur­su­ing an es­caped pris­on­er.
  2. The police are pur­su­ing a car at high speed.
  3. They were hotly pur­sued by the press. • They were close­ly pur­sued by the press.
  4. The government intends to pur­sue a new hous­ing pol­i­cy.
  5. She wants to pur­sue a ca­reer in med­i­cine.
  6. We were scared, so we de­cid­ed not to pur­sue the mat­ter fur­ther.
  7. We decided to pur­sue le­gal ac­tion, what­ever the cost.
  8. They decided to pur­sue their own in­ter­ests, re­gard­less of the con­se­quenc­es.
  9. He is pursuing his stud­ies at the uni­ver­si­ty.
  10. The pursuit of war crim­i­nals is what this or­gan­i­za­tion does.

    (also “organisation” in BrE)
  11. The police car raced through the streets in pur­suit of a sto­len car.
  12. The rock stars ran to their car, with a crowd of fans in hot pur­suit.
  13. The pursuit of happi­ness, knowledge, pleas­ure, truth, etc.
  14. The pursuit of happiness is quite nat­u­ral, isn’t it?
  15. Your relentless pur­suit of per­fec­tion can only wors­en the re­sult.
  16. I read a lot of books in pur­suit of knowledge.
  17. Ordinary people took to the streets in pur­suit of free­dom.
  18. People have to move to big cit­ies in pur­suit of work.
  19. His artistic pur­suits were quite un­usu­al.

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