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  1. Being late is a bad hab­it and be­ing on time is a good one.
  2. He’s late as usual.
  3. On Mondays, I’m always late for work and my son’s late for school.
  4. You’re two hours late. Why?
  5. We’d better go home – it’s get­ting late.
  6. It’s too late to say “I’m sor­ry”.
  7. Go there right now, be­fore it’s too late.
  8. Let’s call him lat­er.
  9. I can hardly watch TV at this late hour.
  10. We went there in the late after­noon.
  11. The late departure of the train caused us a lot of prob­lems.
  12. She’s in her late thir­ties now.
  13. I always get up late and my wife gets up ear­ly.
  14. Your letter arrived two weeks lat­er than we’d ac­tu­al­ly ex­pected.
  15. Better late than never.
  16. Sooner or later you’re go­ing to re­gret it. Take my word for it.
  17. Her late husband wasn’t a bad man af­ter all.

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